DeadLock 1.3 - Release

CodeDead | January 12, 2016 | C#, News


Finally, after hours and hours of work, DeadLock 1.3 has been released!


  • Redesigned GUI
  • Take ownership of files and folders
  • New update process
  • And more

Change log

  • Completely redesigned GUI
  • ’Remove’ function will now attempt to send the items to the recycle bin instead of directly deleting them
  • Added ‘Update’ form
  • Added ‘Remember form size’ option
  • Added ‘Form border thickness’ option
  • Added ‘Details’ option
  • Added ‘Restart’ option
  • Added ‘View’ option
  • Added ‘Auto size columns’ option
  • Added multitasking capabilities
  • Added optional warning message when DeadLock is not running with administrative rights
  • Added ability to take ownership of files and folders
  • Added ‘Take ownership’ setting
  • Added ‘Custom’ language function
  • Enabled form resizing
  • Generally improved code
  • Generally improved performance
  • Fixed RegManager showing up twice in some cases
  • Fixed LanguageManager not being used in NativeMethods.cs
  • Fixed possible issue when copying or moving a file or folder
  • Fixed possible UnauthorizedAccessException from stopping DeadLock from getting details
  • Fixed alt key not working for main bar
  • Improved ‘Update’ functionality
  • Improved ‘Kill’ function
  • Improved LanguageManager functionality
  • Using SyncFusion theme base
  • Updated help documentation
  • Upgraded to .NET Framework v4.6.1


You can download the latest version of DeadLock by clicking on the following link: DeadLock


We hope that you enjoy this new release and please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have found an error or if you have any questions.