DeadLock 1.3.1 - Release

CodeDead | January 14, 2016 | C#, News


DeadLock 1.3.1 has just been released. This version is primarily meant as a ‘bug-fix’ and should be installed as soon as possible. We have also managed to improve the performance of DeadLock.

An important new addition to the multitasking capabilities is the addition of downloading updates without locking up the GUI, which should make start-up time a lot faster in certain cases.

Change log

  • Minor GUI changes
  • Updates are now done in the background and will not lock up the GUI
  • Added cancel and accept button to settings form
  • Improved LanguageManager performance
  • Improved memory usage
  • Improved general performance
  • Improved code
  • Fixed spelling errors
  • Fixed ToggleButton not loading theme colors
  • Fixed resetting certain settings will not display ‘restart required’ message
  • Fixed MainFrameBarManager child items not loading theme colors
  • Fixed ContextMenuStrips not loading theme colors


You can download the latest version of DeadLock by clicking on the following link: DeadLock


We hope that you like this new release, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you find a bug or if you need support.