DeadLock 1.4 - Release

CodeDead | September 07, 2016 | C#, News


It’s been a while since DeadLock was last updated, but none the less, we have added a couple of new features and fixed some issues that will make your DeadLock experience even better! Take a look at the change log below to see the full list of changes. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need support, or if you happen to find a bug!

Change log

  • Added Russian language
  • Minor performance fix
  • A restart is no longer required for language changes
  • A restart is no longer required for design changes
  • Fixed LanguageManager issue
  • Fixed issue that would show no translations if an incorrect custom file was selected
  • Fixed translation issues
  • Using latest theme version


You can download the latest version of DeadLock by clicking on the following link: DeadLock


We hope that you enjoy this new release!