Advanced PassGen 1.5 - Release

CodeDead | September 08, 2017 | C#, News


Advanced PassGen 1.5 has just been released. We have added the ability to generate a random seed for the random password generator. We’ve also fixed a bug that might occur when saving settings. This has made Advanced PassGen a much more reliable tool, and we hope that you enjoy this new update.

For a full list of changes, please take a look at the change log posted below.


  • Added ability to generate random password seeds
  • Minor design changes to Main window
  • Minor design changes to Settings window
  • Minor design fixes
  • Optimized image sizes
  • Fixed error that might occur when saving settings due to the password strength indicator
  • Improved memory performance
  • Included latest theme version


You can download the latest version of Advanced PassGen by clicking on the following link: Advanced PassGen


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you need help.