Advanced PortChecker 2.0.0 - Release

CodeDead | January 30, 2024 | Tauri, React, News


Advanced PortChecker

For our first update of 2024 (late happy new year, by the way), we've remade Advanced PortChecker in Rust + JavaScript. We've completely revamped the user interface and made it a lot easier to use and navigate.

The Rust rewrite allows us to now offer a Windows, Linux and macOS version of Advanced PortChecker AND improved scanning speeds. Whereas the old version might have taken minutes to scan for open ports, the new version can do it in seconds!

If that's not enough, we've also made the binaries much smaller, less memory intensive and much more efficient, compared to the previous version, since you no longer need the .NET Framework or the included libraries in order to run Advanced PortChecker.

For a full list of changes, please take a look at the change log below.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


You can download the latest version of Advanced PassGen by clicking on the following link: Advanced PortChecker


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you need help.